If you are a TotalFreedom user, configure one of the ports assigned to you (visible in the Profile panel when you are connected) as the port used for incoming connections. If you are not on the TotalFreedom plan, this setting doesn't matter. Be sure you uncheck UPnP and NAT-PMP. You should not actually have to add µTorrent to the Windows firewall exceptions but it won't hurt either.
Configure your local PC as a SOCKS5 proxy on port 1080, with no authentication. Use it for P2P connections too.
Your global bandwidth limits should match your Internet connection speed and your assigned bandwidth. The value is in kilobytes; Internet providers and Your Freedom specify these values in kilobits. Divide by 8, then use about 90% of the resulting value. Use whatever is smaller, your Internet speed or the Your Freedom speed.
Now move on to the BitTorrent settings: