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How to configure PPTP on Android phones

The details differ slightly from Android version to Android version, but the general pattern is the same. You'll probably know how to open the settings of your Android phone -- for most, you'll need to click the menu button or icon to see all apps, then find "Settings" (or whatever it is called in your language). For some, the icon looks like a turbing knob, for others it's a grey box with a blue border and three slide controls on it.

So, open Settings. You'll likely have to click on "more" in the "Wireless & Networks" section to see "VPN". Now click on VPN.

(Please note that some versions of Android require that you turn on some sort of usage protection for your phone before they let you configure VPNs. You might have to set a PIN or some other means of protecting your phone from unauthorized use. That's silly for what we are going to do but very important if your phone lets you access a company's internal network... unfortunately it means that you will have to protect your phone while VPN connections are configured, and live with the hassle.)

Click "Add VPN". Set type to PPTP. Give it some arbitrary name, "Your Freedom" would probably be a suitable choice but you are free to use whatever you like. For server address, configure "" (or choose any other country, see the Using PPTP page). PPP encryption (MPPE) must be enabled. We recommend that you configure extended options, especially a DNS server, if your phone offers it. Using Google's DNS servers is a good choice, their IPs are and (just use one of them).

When done, save the settings. Now start the connection by clicking on the record you have just created. You will be prompted for a username and a password. Naturally, what you need to enter here is your Your Freedom username and password. Whether or not you tick the "save account information" checkbox is your choice alone -- I'd do it.

Now click "connect". If all went well, you should be connected within seconds!

To disconnect, simply go back to the connection (you'll find it in the status bar of the phone) and click disconnect there.

In the future, whenever you want your Internet traffic pass through Your Freedom, just fire up the configured VPN. Please be aware that even if you are not using the Internet, having the VPN connected will result in a little bit of traffic. Those who use a flat rate will probably not worry much, but others might want to turn off the VPN when they don't use it.


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