Please choose from the links on the left hand side to view detailed instructions for your application.
Unfortunately, some of this is outdated, and some is plainly -- well, not correct. Your best option is to use OpenVPN mode and not configure a proxy (HTTP/SOCKS) at all. If you can't use OpenVPN, use SOCKS5 if possible, and point it to, port 1080.
P2P applications usually run much better if your PC is reachable from the outside. Naturally, the only way two peers can connect to each other is if one of them is reachable from the outside and the other one connects to it. If none is connectible from the outside they can't exchange data. Given that the majority of P2P users is not connectible from the outside, being one of them reduces the number of possible peers dramatically.
This is where server port forwards come into play. The TotalFreedom account comes with 5 server ports, and you can configure a mapping between ports on your PC and ports on the Your Freedom server you are using. This works for both TCP and UDP. Your assigned server ports can be found in the profile panel of the Your Freedom client when you are connected. Use these ports in your P2P application where needed, and don't forget to add the server port forwards in the Ports panel of the Your Freedom client as well (same port number for both server and local end, and either "localhost" or your PC's Ethernet IP address as the local host. If you do this correctly you get a "high ID" in eMule and your torrents will whirl a lot faster.
If you'd like to try server port forwarding, we offer trial packages. You need to log in to this web site, then go to the Try Before You Buy page. Choose a "TotalFreedom" test package there. (You may have to restart the connection to obtain the server ports.)
In general, filesharing works with all our servers, but on some we had to partially restrict it. It's not our choice, it is a requirement of the provider.
Servers well suited for filesharing are:
If you notice that a torrent will just not download properly with one of the servers (with very many connections timing out in the Message window), please try others -- some of our IP addresses have ended up on blacklists and some downloads seem to be more affected by this than others. If you see "BLOCKED_PROTOCOL" messages in the message window you are on a server that does not permit some of the protocols used by filesharing software -- it is best if you use a different server.