User Guide
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      Working Applications
      Using DNS mode
      Using ECHO mode
      Using PPTP
      Using SOCKS5
      Instant Messaging
         America's Army
         City of Heroes
         EVE Online
         Final Fantasy XI
         Final Fantasy XI (2006)
         Last Chaos
         League of Legends
         Lineage 2
         MU ONLINE
         Rise of Nations
         Second Life
         Tales of Pirates (IGG)
         World of Warcraft
         World of Warcraft Mac OS
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      Proxy Helpers
      OpenVPN mode
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Nicht angemeldet.

This page describes how you can play America's Army through a restrictive firewall or web proxy, using Your Freedom. Thanks to Nenad Milosevic for this documentation.


In order to make America's Army work with Your Freedom you'll need another program called ProxyCap (SocksCap should work as well). You should find it here:

1. First, install YF and set it to run Socks 4/5 proxy on port 1080 and Web proxy on port 8080 (that's all set up by default if you run through the installation wizard)

2. Install ProxyCap and do the following:

Go to Preferences->Proxies and click on New Proxy Server button.

Enter data as on the following figure:



Repeat previous, just this time you are going to create a https proxy:

After this, you should see:

Now, you need to create two rules in ProxyCap. Go to Rules and click on New Tunneling Rule button. Rule should be like this:

Note: ArmyOps.exe is usualy located at C:\Program Files\America's Army\System\ArmyOps.exe

Create another rule like this:

Now, ProxyCap screen should look like this



That's all. Enjoy.



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