Please be sure to review our Acceptable Use Policy before you download and install the Your Freedom client, or buy packages or vouchers.
Did you know we now also sell voucher carnets? It's an alternative to buying a package. Vouchers will upgrade your account when you need it and are especially well suited for those who only use YF during the week or at least not during the whole month. Check it out.
Voudriez-vous savoir combien coûte nos packs dans votre monnaie? Sélectionnez simplement le type de pack et la durée désirée. Choisissez en suite votre devise et le prix s'affichera.
You may cash in your existing, not yet expired packages for new packages. This way you can upgrade to a higher package, downgrade to a lower but longer running package, or simply extend a package (though you could simply buy a package of the same time, it automatically gets appended).
Simply choose your new package using the form above and tick the packages you would like to cash in -- this reduces your package price.
Please note that Your Freedom does not employ any kind of subscription scheme. We only sell packages, not subscriptions. There is no automatic extension and no need to cancel subscriptions that do not even exist. You buy a package, your account gets upgraded for a certain period, and that's it. No hidden pitfalls.