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Refund Guarantee

While we hope that you'll be fully satisfied with your "Your Freedom" package, we recognize that not everyone likes the same thing and that sometimes we may buy something without fully understanding what it is we're buying. Accordingly, we're pleased to offer our customers the following refund policy on all of our "Your Freedom" packages. Please make sure that you have tested our service with the free low bandwidth account, so that you can be sure it works for you before you buy any packages.

1. You may cancel your "Your Freedom" package at any time during the validity period.

2. We will refund a portion of the payment, as indicated below, based on the amount of time that has elapsed since you bought the upgrade.

3. resolution GmbH's refund policy, as currently published herein, represents resolution's sole obligation with respect to "Your Freedom" refunds.

4. We generally only refund amounts above 2 Euros (or equivalent). If previous upgrades were cashed in, these conditions apply to the individual payments.

1-month Your Freedom packages

If you cancel your package within this number of days

We'll refund this percentage of your package purchase price

0-2 days


3-6 days


7 days and later


3 month or longer Your Freedom Packages

If you cancel your package within this number of days

We'll refund this percentage of your package purchase price

0-3 days


4-14 days


15-30 days


31 days and later


Under exceptional circumstances you might qualify for a higher refund (up to 100%).

Voucher carnets can be refunded (100%) within a month of purchase. Partially used voucher carnets will be refunded partially; e.g. if you've used 5 of your 20 voucher codes we will refund 75% -- but only within a month of purchase.

To obtain a refund, please contact our customer support staff at, stating your username and (if possible) the code of the package. Please note that it may take a few days until your request is processed; this does of course not affect your right to receive a refund.

While we try to refund the proper amount, the payment provider processing the refund may charge a fee. resolution GmbH cannot be held liable for such fees.

Please note that some payment types do not offer a refund option to the merchant. This includes Stratocash and ukash. We can only refund payments of these types though bank transfers.

Also, please note that this refund guarantee only applies to customers not acting commercially. We will not refund mass purchases under this guarantee.

Legal notice

This policy does not affect your rights as a customer under German law. According to German law you are entitled to cancel your purchase within two weeks without any reason by written notice (email, letter, fax). Please send us an email to or a letter to the street address in the Impressum.

If you cancel your purchase you are required to return the purchase in unused form. Since it is not really possible to return a time based service in unused form, we reserve the right to only partially refund the part of the service that has not been used. Likewise, voucher carnets are only partially refunded if voucher codes have already been used.

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